Wednesday, February 17, 2010


In my Open Source Development 600 course, I was assigned to work on the bugs 41284 for on Processing.js (tickets 270 -275) which were implementation of simple string functions. I needed to review my javascript which I took in first year and learned the prof. programming style. Here were my code for the first release 0.1.

Convert all characters of a string into a upper case and return the string:

function stringToUpperCase(string str)
var strUpperCase = str.touppercase();
return strUpperCase;

Or convert all characters of a string to lower case and return the string:

function stringToLowerCase(string str)
var strLowerCase = str.tolowercase();
return strLowerCase;

To find part of string using substring:

function StringSubstring(string str, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
var stringSub;
if(endIndex >0)
stringSub = str.substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex);
stringSub = str.substring(int beginIndex)

return stringSub;

To find total characters in a string

function strLength(string str){
return str.length();

Find a substring within a string and return the first occurrence otherwise return -1

function stringIndexOf(string str, string subStr){
int p1 = str.indexIf(subStr);
return -1;
return p1;

Get a character in a string at a specific index

function stringCharAt(string str, int strIndex){
if(strIndex > -1 && strIndex < c1 =" str.charAt(strIndex);" href="">repos and got a public key. Now I need to add my new js file to the branches and test them.

1 comment:

  1. is it possible to put all those tickets into one? because all of them are working for string.

    btw, you code doesn't look good for me. you may need a some changes to pass the review.

    for example, if a function have three parameters but it is actually using two, you can say
    if (arguments.length === 2) {
    // code...

    hurry up!
